Ryan McBride – Metairie Estate Planning Attorney

Ryan McBride |

Law Office of Ryan S. McBride

(504) 265-1705


1000 Veterans Blvd
Suite 204
Metairie, LA 70005

Ryan McBride | Law Office of Ryan S. McBride


Firm Summary

Whether you are friend, past acquaintance, or just stumbled upon my website via the web, I commend you for taking the first step in finding out how my services may help you in both your financial and estate planning journey.

Although this website is dedicated to the legal aspects of proper planning for both individuals and small-business owners, a sound estate plan certainly begins with a solid financial gameplan. I can offer you help in that regard as well. Please visit www.mcbride-finance.com for more information.

Due to the fast-paced world in which we live, it’s easy to overlook important decisions that need to be made. Many of us put off essential tasks that need to be completed, the importance of which may go unnoticed until it is too late.

I consider it my duty to ensure that the estate you have taken a lifetime building will still be there when the time comes to pass it on. The truth is few understand the delicate balance that must be struck between life’s financial, legal, and personal decisions. It’s a minefield out there, especially in the current economic climate. Let me help you navigate it.

Whether you have a successful career behind you or you have just started out on your professional journey, let me help you conserve, grow, and distribute that which you’ve worked so hard for. Given my background in law, finance, and small business I believe I am uniquely qualified to help you prepare a comprehensive CYA (Cover Your Assets) approach to make certain that you never feel like you have taken one step forward, two steps back.

Please feel free, in fact I encourage you, to navigate through my entire website using the tool bar to the left. I have tried to keep the layout as user-friendly as possible and have included only that information I believe is important to you in making an informed decision.

Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or wish to make an appointment for a free consultation. Please understand that I cannot offer any legal advice until we have established an attorney-client
relationship in writing.