Norman Yatooma |
Yatooma Law
(248) 481-2000
2211 S Telegraph Rd
Bloomfield Hills,
Norman Yatooma | Yatooma Law
Firm Summary
Mr. Yatooma has represented hundreds of businesses and individuals throughout the world in both litigation and transactional work.
Mr. Yatooma has litigated for or against several Fortune 500 companies and other corporate heavy weights throughout his career.
Mr. Yatooma practices in all Michigan trial and appellate courts, as well as before federal courts and arbitration panels across the United States. He has been admitted to practice in state and federal courts in Michigan, as well as before the federal courts of Florida, California, Utah, and Louisiana, before the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and the Ninth Circuit, and before the United States Supreme Court.
Mr. Yatooma is an active member of the Litigation, Franchise Law, Business Law, and Real Estate Law Sections of the State Bar of Michigan.
Mr. Yatooma is also a former Co-Chairman of the National Business Advisory Council.
Mr. Yatooma’s negotiation skills have also been utilized as a certified lobbyist, able to provide both public and private clients with quality, issue-based representation before Congress and the Executive Branch of Government.