Mildred Michalczyk – Farmingdale Estate Planning Attorney

Mildred Michalczyk |

Mildred Czech, Esq.

(631) 752-2996

16 Walnut Ave E
Farmingdale, NY 11735

Mildred Michalczyk | Mildred Czech, Esq.


Firm Summary

Mildred Czech has two children, one attending college on a full academic scholarship
and one attending high school. She is a single mother. In addition to being a single mother, she was also President of the Rosary Altar Society of Saint Matthew’s RCC from 2008 until 2010, and Co-President from 2012 until 2014.

She is presently the President of the Rosary Society of St. Matthew, the Apostle, a society promoting charitable works for the poor as well as advocating allowing its members to speak their
concerns publicly without censorship and fear of retaliation. She incorporates her business into her every day life. Mildred Czech spends extra time on every client to insure that their expectations are met and exceeded. Ms. Czech spends time getting to know each client personally which is especially important in matrimonial law.