JoAnne Larson – Fort Lauderdale Estate Planning Attorney

JoAnne Larson |

JoAnne Larson Daudt, P.A.

(954) 546-7861

101 NE Third Avenue
Suite 1500
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

JoAnne Larson | JoAnne Larson Daudt, P.A.


Firm Summary

I have practiced law in the area of estate planning for over 30 years, first in Minnesota and currently in Florida. As an experienced estate planning attorney, I work with clients to develop plans that fit their individual needs. No client is too small. Whether the plan involves a simple will or a more complex trust, I believe everyone should have a plan in place. I also offer suggestions for ways my clients can avoid the unnecessary delay and expense of probate. I merge the principles of Biblical stewardship and the interpersonal relationships involved in estate planning with the ever changing tax and legal landscape to help individuals and families achieve their goals for the distribution of the estates that have been entrusted to them.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges at this time, please know that I am here to serve you. For many, the current crisis is serving as a wake-up call to get their estate plans in order.

Do you have a Will or Trust in place? Do you have a Power of Attorney where you have appointed someone to make financial decisions for you if you are not able? Do you have a Health Care Surrogate where you have appointed someone to make medical decisions for you if you are not able? Have you reviewed and updated beneficiaries on all life insurance policies and retirement plans?

Leaving these questions unanswered means leaving many more unanswered questions and financial stress for your loved ones in the event of your death or incapacity. I can help you answer these questions and guide you through the process.