Corina Colan – Lake Arrowhead Estate Planning Attorney

Corina Colan |

The Law Office of Corina I Colan

(909) 265-3315

PO BOX 1384
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352

Corina Colan | The Law Office of Corina I Colan


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Firm Summary

I became an attorney because I wanted to help people and above all, to make a difference in their lives.

So, I began my legal career volunteering for legal clinics and doing pro-bono work for those who could not afford a lawyer. Yes, I was helping people navigate through the legal process, but what people treasured the most was my advice and knowing that I was there for them, helping them to make good, informed decisions, so they can move on with their lives.

I loved being an advocate, teacher, and trusted advisor to my clients. When a pro bono couple told me with teary eyes “you changed our lives”, I needed nothing more. To me that was the ultimate reward. This is why I keep practicing law.

With pro bono in mind, I accepted a position working for the in-house counsel for a large real estate management company in the Los Angeles area. I was already working for this company for several years, holding various positions, General Property Manager, Software Trainer and Senior Business Analyst. My job progression sounds odd, but I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering, and I like computers. I really loved the “technical” work, but practicing law was something dear to my heart and when offered, I accepted the attorney position with open heart. I enjoyed the new challenge mainly because I was working in the real estate and business law, two areas of law that interested me since law school. I learned a lot, but I was not directly serving clients, I worked for the company. Something was missing and, in my heart, I knew that I needed to make a change. I really wanted to hear again my clients say: “you changed my life.”

So, after nearly 22 years of working for this company and a little over 10 years of practicing law, I decided that it is time for me to leave and to follow my heart and be the attorney I always wanted to be: the attorney that makes a difference!

I made a complete shift in my law practice and focused on estate planning, an area of law that allows the human me and the attorney me not only to coexist, but to work together in harmony. I am driven by the desire to bring knowledge, peace, and comfort to people and above all to provide the best and lasting service that everyone deserves.

Everyone needs a plan, no matter their situation. Each plan that I design produces something of a protective force field around families and their small business and brings that peace of mind that you have when you know that you have done something right. To ensure that those plans are properly maintained, my relationship with my clients is for life. This gives me the opportunity to really get to know my clients as people. For this reason, I am more fulfilled in my law practice now than I ever been before.

On a personal note, I’m a mom and, what my children bring to this experience for me is the awareness that planning is something that you do for the people you love the most. You probably won’t be the one to benefit from the plan. The people who will benefit are the people you love the most, who will be dealing with things during your incapacitation and after you’re gone.

I am looking forward to learning more about you and the people you love!