Carlee Gonzales – Hammond Estate Planning Attorney

Carlee Gonzales |

CWG Law Office

(985) 888-0525

907 W Thomas St # B
Hammond, LA 70401

Carlee Gonzales | CWG Law Office


Firm Summary

I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer.

I know that sounds cliche, but, in my case, it was actually true.

In fact, when I was 8 years old, I told someone that this was what I wanted to do when I grew up.

I’m not sure why… but, I think it’s because I didn’t know then what I do know now…which is, that I have always wanted to help people (cliche again, I know!)

But, I was not a bully nor wanted to strong arm anybody.

So, how could I be a good lawyer, I thought?

I felt like that was the image people had of a lawyer – at least, it’s what I thought back then!

I mean, I’m tough and strong (after all I am a mom), but, that’s not how I wanted to spend all my time.

It certainly was not how I wanted to run my law practice.

It seemed overly complicated and exhausting.

And, I have, fortunately, been able to succeed without it.

But, still, at that time I wasn’t sure if I had what it took to be effective at this job.

Nevertheless, I persisted through law school with the faith I had in myself that it would all work out, someday, somehow.

And, somehow came really soon…

After working for several judges, learning how to respectfully negotiate and solve everyday legal problems, I honed my craft with the help of a well respected attorney in a small, private practice that did big things for everyday people.

Well, it may not seem big to some lawyers, but for me, helping everyday folks navigate what to do after a loved one dies, is something I actually enjoyed doing…and still do to this day.

Well, it may not seem big to some lawyers, but for me, helping everyday folks navigate what to do after a loved one dies, is something I actually enjoyed doing…and still do to this day.

I know it sounds hard to imagine.  But, I found that I actually thrive in a chaotic and emotionally charged environment.

While I am not a bully, I know how to charge through like a bull.

While I don’t strong arm people, I know how to be strong for them.

During the tough times after a loved one dies, I am level-headed and understanding of how to solve various complex legal issues and make it simple for my clients to understand such as:

How do you reduce any money owed to a hospital after your loved one passes away? or

How do you fairly divide up property AND keep the peace between your family members? and

What steps can you take to ensure the government doesn’t take the land you leave (or inherit)?

And, I found, that because I can keep my cool and be straightforward, I resolve conflicts easily, and always, in the best interests of my clients, and most everyone else (except the creditors – they definitely don’t like me).

This holistic approach means I get things done quickly and fairly…with minimal stress; which also means my clients can focus on what matters most – their emotional healing and learning to live a life without their loved one.

They know I have their back, so they trust I will get them what they deserve and ensure the best outcome possible for their Succession.

My approach is not for everyone, but, the many people who I have served (over 800 clients and counting ) can tell you they left feeling cared for and taken care of.

This also holds true for things I help people with way before they pass away.

So, not only do I do Successions [insert link] really well, I also help everyday people (not just wealthy folks) Estate Plan and build Trusts.

You may not know what those words mean.

In law school, I didn’t really know either.

Just know that these are just fancy, legal words for protecting your assets (land, cars, houses and cash) from people who you don’t want getting to it (credit card companies, hospitals, unknown heirs or Uncle Sam), so that there is a clear (and legal) path for where these important items end up after you die.

It sounds morbid, I know, to think about where your stuff might go when you die.

But, you’ve worked hard your whole life and you don’t want to be a burden on your family when you ultimately meet your maker.

Dividing up assets after a death can be really messy, especially when you have many potential heirs.

Wouldn’t it be better to solve this problem for them, before you die?

It is a hard thing to do – to divvy up what you’ve accomplished in terms of material gains, but it is the right thing to do for your kids and grandkids – so that your possessions end up where you wanted them to go (and not where they thought they should go).

Sorry, I went off on a little tangent there because I am passionate about this stuff and want to explain everything to you before we talk.

Like I said, I am not for everyone.

But, if you are the type of person that:

  • Wants to ensure your kids get your hard earned money (and not a creditor); or
  • Has a loved one that has passed and you have no clue where to begin with their estate; and
  • Needs a calm, caring and straightforward lawyer to talk to you right now,

Then you are the type of person that I am built for.

Like I said before, I didn’t know how I was going to make my dream of being a lawyer happen, but, I knew that somehow it would happen.

I think there is a real reason you came to my page and got to hear me tell you a little bit about who I am.

Maybe you’ve just started your search for a trusted attorney or have been looking for a long time.

Where ever you are in your search, I believe your somehow is right now.

So, don’t let this moment pass and you are left wondering what to do next.  There’s no need to stress about it.

Our initial consultation is ABSOLUTELY FREE, so give me a call so we can talk.

And, don’t be surprised if I am the first one that picks up the phone.

Somehow, I’ve managed to build a successful law practice and still enjoy talking to the everyday folks like you, who have gotten me hear.

And, I wouldn’t trade that somehow for anything!